Not that we want to add any wood to the mental and emotional fires, but college-bound season is also the perfect time to schedule a session with your local SBS Insurance agent.
- How will your home insurance cover a personal property loss at college? While in your day packing for school may have meant a few boxes and one large suitcase, moving day on today’s campuses typically involves trucks and trailers. How much will your student be carting off to his or her dorm or apartment? Will it be properly covered for such losses as theft or fire under your current coverage or will adequate coverage require endorsements or even a separate policy?
- Will your student be part-time? In a dorm, apartment or rented house? All of these variables, especially for part-time students, can have an impact on your current protection and dictate a need for modifying your policy or purchasing a new one.
- How does coverage apply to laptops? For broader coverage, items such as laptops should be scheduled. Contact your local agent for more details.
- What about liability protection? Yours as well as that of your student? There are a multitude of liability issues that may arise from a family member living elsewhere. Some are common to any such arrangement; others are unique to college students and their parents.
The good news is these are not isolated issues, but simply questions faced by every parent and student as the college years begin. The great news is they also are handled regularly by your SBS Insurance agent, and he or she will be happy to sit down with you and your student to provide answers, advice and options. You may discover your current coverages respond to all or the vast majority of your concerns, and little need be done. If action is needed to assure your current protection will be there at time of need, you and your agent can make those choices at the best possible time—now, before that need arises.
Information provided by Trusted Choice (